Bebe Wamu and NYGDS are launching a lot of new changes in the coming weeks!
Our renovations are complete and our Cloth Diaper and Baby Wearing Boutique is now open to the public during the following times:
Monday 5p-8p
Tuesday 12n-5p
Wednesday 12n-5p
Thursday 5p-8p
Friday 12n-5p
Saturday 11a-3p
Sunday By appointment only/Closed
If these times do not suit you then please call or email us at 317-5048 or to schedule a time outside of regular hours.
If you are coming from a distance or for a Cloth 101 Info session then we recommend a scheduled appointment either during or outside of regular hours so that we can give you our full attention as our info sessions tend to run about 30-45minutes.
Also, the first Saturday of the month is going to be education day where we feature on are and have guest speakers on it at our Boutique. March's featured event is Baby Wearing!
We are re-doing both of our websites so things may be mis-spelled, mis-placed or just plain not look good during our growing pains so please bear with us!
We are not anticipating any major delays or issues on the client's end, but we are working with a new shopping cart so we are still learning all the in's and out's of that system as well!
We are introducing new products and diaper lines to the CNY area to better serve our clients.
We are re-launching our rewards program called Bebe Buck's that allows you to earn points from your Bebe Wamu purchases towards gift cards. Signing to be a part of our Bebe Buck's program automatically earns you 150 points!
Our "Swap Box" is gaining popluarity.
For those of you who do not know our Swap Box is a bin full of used cloth diapering supplies and accessories in various conditions that local CNY families have outgrown and are passing along to someone else who might need them. There is no purchase required from Bebe Wamu to benefit from the Swap Box. All that is asked is that when you can give to the Swap Box, give, and when you see something you'd like feel free to take and use it!
Bebe Wamu's Buyback Program is Growing!
Bebe Wamu buy's back various used cloth diapering supplies.
Bebe Wamu buy's back various used cloth diapering supplies.
Mostly pocket style diapers or one-size diapers but based on condition and demand our buy back rates vary. So keep that in mind when looking to size up or build up your stash!
Each month we are going to feature one item and offer an unbelievable price on it!
Seriously we are talking 1/2 price or more!
This is only the beginning of what we have in store for you folks so please keep checking back and don't forget to sign up for the Bebe Buck's Program!
~Bebe Wamu